Dear our valuable reader!
Welcome to the second issue of Journal of Batteries for Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles (JBREV), namely Vol. 01 No. 02 (2023). The JBREV is established in 2022 by the National Battery Research Institute (NBRI) in collaboration with the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), Material Research Society Indonesia (MRS-INA), and International Union of Material Research Societies (IUMRS). The JBREV is devoted to publish new and original research, article review related to battery materials, science & engineering that applicable to renewable energy and electric vehicles.
The JBREV Vol. 01 No. 02 (2023) contains five articles discussing graphene as promising material for battery technology, mechanical vibration test equipment design, cathode battery material processing, battery recycling, to spatial mapping for solar farm prospective. There are 26 authors and co-authors in total, of those 5 articles, who come from various institutions (National Research and Innovation Agency, National Battery Research Institute, University of Gadjah Mada, Universitas Dian Nusantara and University of Indonesia) Hopefully, this second edition of JBREV will give a prominent insight on battery technology development and its application that provide beneficial knowledge for all related stakeholders. Happy reading!
Published: 2023-11-20